MINUTES OF MEETING VILLAGES OF WESTPORT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Villages of Westport Community Development District was held Monday, May 13, 2024 at 5:08 p.m. at the Highlands Regional Library, 1826 Dunn Avenue, Jacksonville, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum: Yashekia Scarlett Chairman Anina Guyton Vice Chairperson Alice Sanford Supervisor Godfrey Story Supervisor Carl Hawkins Supervisor Also present: Darrin Mossing District Manager, GMS Jennifer Kilinski District Counsel, Kilinski | Van Wyk Chris Loy Kilinski | Van Wyk Tim Harden Field Manager, Vesta Dana Harden Vesta Daniel Laughlin GMS Chip Dellinger GMS Rhonda Mossing MBS The following is a summary of the actions taken at the May 13, 2024 Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Villages of Westport Community Development District. FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Mr. Mossing called the meeting to order at 5:08 p.m. and called roll. There were four Supervisors present in person constituting a quorum. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comments (regarding agenda items below) Mr. Mossing noted there was an agenda posted and he asked for any comments on agenda items. Hearing no comments, the next item followed. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Organizational Matters A. Appointment of New Supervisor to Fill Vacant Seat (Seat 2) Docusign Envelope ID: 7A09DE91-8801-4C09-B54F-8C9480BF37A2 May 13, 2024 Villages of Westport CDD 2 Mr. Mossing stated the first item was to fill the vacancy for Seat #2. He noted there were currently four Board members seated and one seat was vacant. He reviewed the process for appointments noting the remaining Board could appoint an individual if they were a qualified elector living within the District and they are a resident of Duval County. He stated if the Board has any nominations for that position, they can make those at this time. Ms. Scarlett made the motion for Mr. Godfrey Story to fill the vacancy of Seat #2. Mr. Hawkins made another motion for Randall Meredith for the vacancy of Seat #2. Mr. Mossing stated to operate they needed three Supervisors to be present to conduct the business of the District. He added there was no obligation to fill the vacant seat at this time. Ms. Kilinski clarified the Board has ninety days to make an appointment pursuant to Chapter 190 requirements but noted there is an election coming up in November. She noted there could be an audit finding if the seat was not filled eventually. Ms. Scarlett motioned again to appoint Mr. Godfrey Story to the vacant seat on the Board. On MOTION by Ms. Scarlett, seconded by Mr. Hawkins, with Ms. Scarlett, Mr. Hawkins, and Ms. Guyton in favor and Ms. Sanford opposed, the Appointment of Mr. Godfrey Story to Fill the Vacant Seat #2, was approved 3-1. B. Oath of Office for Newly Appointed Supervisor(s) Mr. Mossing welcomed Mr. Story to the Board and stated an oath of office is required for a new appointment. The oath of office was performed. Mr. Mossing noted there would be some attached paperwork and he reviewed the Sunshine Laws and Public Records laws. Mr. Loy added further comments on the Sunshine Law. C. Election of Officers, Resolution 2024-04 Mr. Mossing stated an election of officers is required with a new appointment to the Board. He asked for nominations for the Chair and noted currently Ms. Scarlett was the Chairperson. Ms. Scarlett nominated herself as Chair. On MOTION by Mr. Hawkins, seconded by Ms. Guyton, with all in favor, the Appointment of Ms. Scarlett as Chairperson, was approved. Mr. Mossing stated the next appointment was for Vice Chair and asked for a nomination. Docusign Envelope ID: 7A09DE91-8801-4C09-B54F-8C9480BF37A2 May 13, 2024 Villages of Westport CDD 3 On MOTION by Ms. Scarlett, seconded by Ms. Sanford, with all in favor, the Appointment of Ms. Anina Guyton as Vice Chair, was approved. Mr. Mossing stated Ms. Guyton would be the Vice Chair. He stated they had filled in the remaining officers with GMS staff, and this was for purposes of conducting business so GMS could process the checks and handle all business of the District. He made the recommendation for the Board to accept those officer appointments. He noted it was recommended the remaining Board members were appointed at Assistant Secretaries. On MOTION by Ms. Scarlett, seconded by Ms. Hawkins, with all in favor, the Resolution 2024-04, Election of Officers as Ms. Scarlett as Chair, Ms. Guyton as Vice Chair, Mr. Mossing as Secretary, Ms. Powers as Treasurer, Mr. Mossing and Mr. Oliver as Assistant Treasurer, Mr. Hawkins, Ms. Sanford, Mr. Story, Mr. Laughlin, Mr. Oliver, Ms. Giles, and Mr. Hans as Assistant Secretaries, was approved. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Resolution 2024-05, Approving LGI Acquisition and Documents Associated Therewith Ms. Kilinski presented Resolution 2024-05. She reviewed the history of the financing for the capital improvement plans. She noted some of the improvements are located in the LGI area and they had produced documents to draw down funds. She added this requires the resolution to be approved. She noted they had worked for a year to acquire all the documents. They were not comfortable releasing funds until LGI met these requirements. She asked for Board approval for the LGI acquisition and all documents for funding. On MOTION by Ms. Scarlett, seconded by Ms. Guyton, with all in favor, Resolution 2024-05, Approving LGI Acquisition and Documents Associated Therewith, was approved. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Resolution 2024-06, Approving the Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2025 and Setting a Public Hearing Date to Adopt Docusign Envelope ID: 7A09DE91-8801-4C09-B54F-8C9480BF37A2 May 13, 2024 Villages of Westport CDD 4 Mr. Mossing reviewed the budget process for the district noting it needed approval prior to June 15th each year. He explained this resolution starts the budget process and is not less than a 60-day process. He recommended the public hearing for July 22, 2024. He explained this budget is calling for a significant increase in assessments. He noted they had started the year with no money, no reserve, and no operating capital. He explained the budget is funded on the November 1st property tax bill and this process is for the District obtaining the funding. He noted this budget covers the anticipated expenses and funds the operating capital. The proposed increase for the larger lots is $239/year, which is $20/month. The smaller lots are for $221/year. He noted this will trigger a mailed notice to all property owners for the public hearing and explaining the budget, the increase, the dollar amount, and the date, time and location of the public hearing. He stated this is the high-water mark, and can be lowered, but not raised. He asked the Board for any questions on the budget. He noted the debt service assessment will not change. Mr. Hawkins ask for specifics on the timeline and the situation of the deficit that was noted when GMS took over the end of last year. Further discussion was made on payments made by the District that created the budget deficit and the process for the public hearing. On MOTION by Ms. Scarlett, seconded by Mr. Hawkins, with all in favor, Resolution 2024-06, Approving the Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2025 and Setting the Public Hearing Date to Adopt the Budget for July 22, 2024, was approved. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. Manager 1. Report on the Number of Registered Voters (1,122) Mr. Mossing stated there were 1,122 registered voters residing in the District and this is for informational purposes only and no action is required by the Board. This reporting is required each year by April 15th. He explained the general election and there would be two seats up for election. He added the qualifying period is June 10th through June 14th at 12:00 noon. There were no further questions. Docusign Envelope ID: 7A09DE91-8801-4C09-B54F-8C9480BF37A2 May 13, 2024 Villages of Westport CDD 5 2. Other Manager Business Mr. Mossing stated GMS was hired to provide extra pool attendants for extra security. He noted they are actively seeking candidates for that position. Ms. Scarlett recommended that extra attendants were needed for more than weekends due to an increase in vandalism issues. Based on that, Mr. Mossing ask for a motion to have the District manager work with the Chair to create an amenity center staffing plan. He explained the extra costs associated with the extra hours. Discussion ensued on the proposals for extra staffing and services. Personalized processing was explained as a proposal for staffing based on the need. Specific hours, costs, hourly rates, monitoring of the workers, primary role of the position to monitor the pool, reviewing cameras, population of pool guests, and invoices with payroll report were discussed as a way to monitor. It was further discussed how identification was checked for entering the pool area, budget restraints, vandalism and camera monitoring, maintenance technician for reserving the pool area, and pool rule specifics. Budget restraints were a concern. Mr. Mossing stated the next agenda would have discussion of pool rules and policies and these could be amended at any time. Discussion ensued on specific incidents and consequences of card suspensions. Mr. Mossing stated the next meeting is not until July and ask the Board for approval of development of a staffing plan. On MOTION by Mr. Story, seconded by Ms. Guyton, with all in favor, Authorization for Staff to Work with the Chair on an Amenity Center Staffing Plan, was approved. Mr. Mossing discussed the Board’s $200 compensation and the paperwork for Board members to complete. B. Attorney – Ethics Training and Form 1 Filing Mr. Loy updated the Board on the required four hours of ethics training, the timelines, and the process for completion. C. Operation Manager – Report The Operation Manager reviewed the report to include broken items on the fence and the pool area, the sink hole issue filled, toilet paper holder repaired, JEA sign replacement, playground light bulb replacement, and the irrigation issue at the amenity center. Docusign Envelope ID: 7A09DE91-8801-4C09-B54F-8C9480BF37A2 May 13, 2024 Villages of Westport CDD 6 Mr. Hardin discussed the issue of no maintenance contract on the fitness area and equipment. He presented a proposal from Fitness Pro used by another community for fitness equipment preventative maintenance. He explained the need for having coverage of the equipment, regular maintenance, and the liability if someone were to get hurt. Mr. Hardin also presented the idea of a grill in the covered gazebo playground area for around $300. After discussion the board decided they needed additional proposals from different companies that will replace and maintain the equipment, possible lease options, and insurance on equipment. These items were tabled until the next meeting. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Discussion Regarding Bond Refinancing Options Mr. Mossing stated the next two items would be combined. He noted in 2005 the District issued Series 2005 special assessment bonds to construct the improvements within the District to include amenity center, roadways, water, sewer, and drainage. He added the bonds are still outstanding. He introduced Ms. Rhonda Mossing with MBI to provide an update to the Board on their eligibility status for refinancing. Ms. Mossing provided an overview of the status of the District and presented the option to refinance the bonds. She reviewed the bond amounts and the current interest rate. She explained the process of a public hearing and the improvements and the capital projects the Board wanted. She noted currently there are not enough homes to refinance. She added that MBS will continue to monitor this situation until that threshold has been passed got selling the bonds. Mr. Mossing stated of the 208 lots just platted they needed 133 homes built and closed to homeowners. He added they are about 1 year away. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Discussion of Capital Improvement Plan NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Capital Reserve Study Proposal Mr. Mossing stated this proposal was included in the agenda. He explained the company evaluates the District’s capital assets and prepares a report that covers a 30-year period for funding Docusign Envelope ID: 7A09DE91-8801-4C09-B54F-8C9480BF37A2 May 13, 2024 Villages of Westport CDD 7 of renewal and replacement of assets. He added this will reflect a schedule of how much to have in your capital reserve fund today, how much to fund annually, and when improvements need to be replaced. He stated this proposal is for $4,000. Mr. Mossing added they could reach out to other companies that prepare this report for competitive pricing. GMS does not evaluate this or provide this information. Ms. Scarlett suggested to wait until next year. Mr. Mossing stated it would take about 6-8 weeks. He added they would table until another meeting. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Ratification of License Agreement with TNT Fitness Jax, LLC Mr. Mossing stated this has been approved and signed . He added this is just for ratification. He added there were scheduled times for bootcamps at the amenity center. Ms. Scarlett explained he would do exercise for the community. On MOTION by Ms. Scarlett, seconded by Ms. Guyton, with all in favor, the License Agreement with TNT Fitness Jax, LLC, was ratified. ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Proposals: A. Mulch Mr. Hardin stated this proposal for mulch was going to be at a high cost. Mr. Mossing ask him if this was reasonable. After discussion it was decided to table this to another meeting and bring back more proposals for the mulch. Mr. Mossing made the statement for field operations there was $8,000 in the budget for contingencies, but mulch specifically is not in there. The field maintenance plan contract needed review. Ms. Scarlett asked for options since it was a safety concern. Mr. Mossing stated if it was an area of safety concern, he recommended having the Chair to approve for that specific area. Other suggestions were discussed. Ms. Scarlett asked for other proposals for irrigation and if all areas were working. After discussion the Board decided to authorize the Chair to approve mulch to cover the area with irrigation line running above the ground to prevent a trip hazard. Docusign Envelope ID: 7A09DE91-8801-4C09-B54F-8C9480BF37A2 May 13, 2024 Villages of Westport CDD 8 On MOTION by Mr. Hawkins, seconded by Ms. Scarlett, with all in favor, to Authorize the Chair to Approve Mulch Proposal to the Cove Area with Irrigation Trip Hazards, was approved B. Dumpster Corral Mr. Hardin presented the proposal for having a dumpster corral at the amenity center. He addressed the specifics about installation of a fence around the area to enclose the dumpster. Discussion ensued on how the trash cans were used to jump the fence. The Board decided to remove this item from the agenda and address it at another meeting. C. Pool Fencing Mr. Hardin presented the proposal for a 6-foot fence for the pool area. He noted the current 4-foot fence is not effective for keeping the teens from jumping the fence. He added the cost would be $20,095.65. Discussion ensued on the type of fence, issues with teens jumping the fence, needing project approval from the board, day for work to be done. Mr. Mossing asked Ms. Kilinski about the budget and construction funds and redeeming bonds. He asked if the construction funds were available. She stated if the funds were available and if they were reasonable expenditures then the funds would be available. He noted there are not funds available now, but if construction funds are available, with the Trustee, and if the board feels this is important, they could be used. He recommended holding this decision until the next meeting and they would know if there were remaining funds that would be available Mr. Hardin discussed the lights that were out at the entrance and amenity center. He asked the Board for approval for light repair. On MOTION by Ms. Scarlett, seconded by Ms. Guyton, with all in favor, for Repair of the Entrance Lighting, was approved. TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor’s Request Mr. Mossing stated there were supervisor’s request and public comment. He noted the audience had been sitting and asked for public comments first. THIRTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comments Docusign Envelope ID: 7A09DE91-8801-4C09-B54F-8C9480BF37A2 May 13, 2024 Villages of Westport CDD 9 Mr. Mossing asked for any comments from the public. One resident (Sharon Lonix) commented on the children unmonitored at the pool and if attendants were in place this could eliminate the need for the fence. She added they are paying for damaged property and for a fence. Mr. Mossing noted the Board had similar concerns. FOURTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Consent Agenda A. Approval of the Minutes of the October 23, 2023 & April 24, 2024 Meetings Mr. Mossing stated the consent agenda and balance sheet could be held for the next meeting due to time constraints on the room. B. Balance Sheet and Statement of Revenues & Expenditures for the Period Ending March 31, 2024 C. Assessment Receipt Schedule D. Approval of Check Register FIFTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Next Scheduled Meeting – 7/22/24 @ 5:30 p.m. @ Highlands Regional Library Mr. Mossing stated the next meeting would be on July 22, 3034. SIXTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment Mr. Mossing adjourned the meeting. On MOTION by Ms. Scarlett seconded by Ms. Guyton, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned. _______________________________ _______________________________ Secretary/Assistant Secretary Chairman/Vice Chairman Docusign Envelope ID: 7A09DE91-8801-4C09-B54F-8C9480BF37A2