MINUTES OF MEETING VILLAGES OF WESTPORT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Villages of Westport Community Development District was held Thursday, June 27, 2024 at 4:30 p.m. at the Highlands Regional Library, 1826 Dunn Avenue, Jacksonville, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum: Yashekia Scarlett Chairman Anina Guyton by phone Vice Chairperson Alice Sanford Supervisor Godfrey Story by phone Supervisor Carl Hawkins Supervisor Also present: Darrin Mossing District Manager Jennifer Kilinski District Counsel Tim Harden Field Manager Dan Fagan Vesta Chip Dellinger GMS Chris Loy Kilinski | Van Wyk The following is a summary of the actions taken at the June 27, 2024 Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Villages of Westport Community Development District. FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Mr. Mossing called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and called roll. There were three Supervisors present in person constituting a quorum. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comments (regarding agenda items below) Mr. Mossing noted this section of public comment is for items on the agenda. Hearing no comments, the next item followed. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Presentation Regarding CDDs Mr. Mossing noted there is a PowerPoint proposal in the agenda that will be presented at the end of the meeting. Docusign Envelope ID: 7A09DE91-8801-4C09-B54F-8C9480BF37A2 June 27, 2024 Villages of Westport CDD 2 FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Discussion Items: A. Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Mr. Mossing noted the FY2025 budget is included in the agenda and was updated from the prior meeting. The public hearing to adopt the budget is scheduled July 22, 2024. The budget has been updated with the current financials through May 31st. They are projecting having approximately $15,000 of excess funds at the end of this year. In next year’s budget, a significant increase is proposed that would give $100,000 to fund the necessary operating capital to go forward. There is also a $25,000 reserve fund. The gross increase per unit is $239. Mailed notices have gone out to the homeowners in the District. The property tax bill will go from $470 to $709. This is just the O&M portion. They are fully collected on the O&M assessments. LGI paid their direct bill. The cap is $709,000 and that can be lowered but not raised. LGI developed 19 fewer lots than originally planned so there are fewer units to divide the budgeted costs over. B. Amenity Center Policies Mr. Mossing noted amenity policies are included in the agenda for discussion. The rental form has been updated. A Board member asked if the 5 guests allowed per resident or non-resident user is per household or per person in the household. Ms. Kilinski stated that is not as clear as it could be but the intent is household. Recommended change on page 3 under Guests 2; resident to household and change emergency number throughout document. Mr. Mossing asked for any Board objections to the change, and there were no objections. C. Phase 4 Improvements Mr. Mossing updated the Board that he received an email from the Trustee today on releasing payment to LGI Homes. It is coming from the deferred cost account. LGI has some common areas they want to transfer to the District for maintenance purposes. Ms. Kilinski noted it is part of the acquisition package. D. Insurance Property Schedule Mr. Mossing stated the property schedule is included on page 77 of the agenda. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. Manager Docusign Envelope ID: 7A09DE91-8801-4C09-B54F-8C9480BF37A2 June 27, 2024 Villages of Westport CDD 3 Mr. Mossing stated the treadmill doesn’t have much if any value and he would like the Board to declare that property as surplus and either offer it for sale or dispose of it. He proposed removing the treadmill and adding a table with two chairs for the pool monitors to take a break in the air conditioning. Mr. Godfrey expressed concern of pool monitor getting too comfortable sitting inside. Mr. Hawkins doesn’t mind that temporarily but would like that area to be a fullblown gym. Ms. Guyton suggested a sign stating “no card no entry” because residents are arguing with pool monitors for not allowing them to enter without their access card. B. Attorney Ms. Kilinski reminded the Board of Form 1 filing that is due July 1st electronically. Ethics training is due by the end of this year to be completed for next year. The training PowerPoint will be recirculated. C. Operation Manager – Report Mr. Harden presented the Field Operations Report on page 80 of the agenda. Mr. Harden handed out the proposals for replacing all 22 lights in the restrooms, gym, and patio, everything that is currently using plugin compact fluorescent bulbs. He has two more proposals coming in. Mr. Hawkins asked for proposals for just the bathroom. On MOTION by Ms. Scarlett, seconded by Mr. Hawkins, with all in favor, NTE $3,850 for bathroom lighting replacement, was approved. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Proposals A. Mulch/Pine Bark Ms. Scarlett noted mulch was put down and two months later it looked bad so asked for other options such as rocks or rubber mulch that will last longer. There was an issue with the irrigation and plants dying at the entryways, now there is dead plant material at the main wall so has irrigation been checked in that area? Mr. Harden stated the water was shut off to that end of the neighborhood. Yellowstone is supposed to replace the flowers. Ms. Scarlett recommended irrigation be done first by amenity center area. Mr. Harden will get proposals for that. Work on entryways with pine bark first then deal with the amenity area once irrigation has been fixed. Docusign Envelope ID: 7A09DE91-8801-4C09-B54F-8C9480BF37A2 June 27, 2024 Villages of Westport CDD 4 On MOTION by Ms. Scarlett, seconded by Mr. Hawkins, with all in favor, the Proposal for Pine Bark Mulch at the Entryways from First Coast Mulch for Approximately $10,000, was approved. B. Pool Fencing Mr. Mossing noted this was discussed at the prior meeting and conversations were had with the Chair who voiced concerns of not wanting to increase the size of the fence because it wouldn’t be a big enough deterrent. Ms. Scarlett noted people need to be held accountable for their children. If spending the money, spend it on 24/7 camera usage. Mr. Mossing noted pool fencing will be removed from agenda at the direction of the Board. C. Fitness Equipment Preventative Maintenance Mr. Harden presented proposals from Commercial Fitness, Fitness Pro, and Southeast Fitness. Fitness Pro is the most economical package. If the equipment is leased, the CDD will still be responsible for providing maintenance on the equipment. Mr. Mossing recommended surveying the community to see who is using the fitness center and what equipment they might want to see, make determination of replacing/getting new equipment then deal with preventative maintenance on new equipment. D. Fitness Equipment Purchase Ms. Sanford asked about sending a digital survey out to residents on what equipment they would like. The people that did the site survey noted the cardio equipment is in worse shape than the weight machine. The three cardio pieces are old and worn. Mr. Mossing noted they would work with Tim to see what the capabilities are through the HOA program and if not get something set up on the CDD website to complete the survey. E. Pool Attendant/GMS Contract Amendment Mr. Mossing stated after working with the Chair this contract amendment lowers the hourly rate to $25/hour. Those services are currently being provided. Mr. Mossing noted some additional people were added but hopefully there will be some savings. On MOTION by Ms. Scarlett, seconded by Ms. Sanford, with all in favor, the Pool Attendant/GMS Contract Amendment, was approved. Docusign Envelope ID: 7A09DE91-8801-4C09-B54F-8C9480BF37A2 June 27, 2024 Villages of Westport CDD 5 F. Irrigation Ms. Scarlett stated on the mulch at the last meeting the Board spoke about the irrigation lines there and asked if better irrigation can be installed that doesn’t have the line. Mr. Harden noted Yellowstone quoted about $14,000 to replace all of the drip lines with sprinkler heads. He noted he would get proposals from other vendors for irrigation. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor’s Request Ms. Sanford: There are services and stuff that is not being done and I want to know what can be done to improve the look of the community like the swimming pool. A resident posted on Facebook that they went to the pool and it was green and black. I think Tim’s email said they had taken it off on May 28th. A lot of residents say they don’t like going to the pool because of the way it looks. I took pictures yesterday of the way it looks. Back in 2022 our budget was like $9,600 for the pool and now it is like $18,000 so that amount has doubled but the way the pool looks is not good and also the first health inspection under Vesta was done last year through the Department of Health and the pool got closed. They came back again two days later unsatisfactory so I am trying to figure out what can be done to make our pool look better. Mr. Fagan: To help me understand, a couple of days ago when you were taking the pictures or seeing it, is it debris on top of the pool surface? Or is it down at the bottom or is it clarity of the water. Ms. Sanford: It looked dirty. Mr. Fagan: Blank algae you can’t play with. It is not like a yellow algae, it is just chemistry and you can kill it. You can stifle it and keep it from expanding but really it does get engrained in that Marcite. But as far as the question, I just wanted to find out because with the afternoon storms, pine bark or mulch, whatever it gets in the pool you have stuff at the top then that will sink after a certain amount of time. If you have photos, we would definitely be interested and if you see anything like that, Tim is on property but if there is something that you hear from a neighbor, please pass it along and we will address it. Sometimes it is due to bathing load. We want to make sure it is maintained and looking good. Ms. Sanford: A resident posted on Facebook that they don’t even go to the pool, they say that it is never clean, and to be honest with you it doesn’t look clean just the overall look of it. Mr. Harden: I would say there is always a challenge with part-time pool management. We are onsite three days a week which means if a bad storm comes through on Friday night or Saturday Docusign Envelope ID: 7A09DE91-8801-4C09-B54F-8C9480BF37A2 June 27, 2024 Villages of Westport CDD 6 morning there is going to be debris in there and will be there until we are back onsite Monday or Tuesday whatever that it but even the pool management company is not going to come out on the weekends or the holidays so it is definitely challenging. The pool is not going to be immaculate unless you staff onsite seven days a week unfortunately so we do the best we can when we are onsite to make sure that it is clean and it is safe. I would just say as far as social media goes there was an allegation probably over a year ago that someone put on Facebook about that. I got in my truck and drove straight over there and looked at it, there was no issue and the pool wasn’t green. Not everything that people post out there is accurate because at that time I made it a top priority where if there was an issue we would take care of it, but the pool looked really good when I got there. It had one closure from the Health Department last summer. The PH was off but again when we are not there to monitor it everyday if something gets out of whack, we can’t fix it until we are onsite the next time. I am not making excuses; I am just saying there are challenges with managing a pool the way its being done and I can’t tell you there is never going to be an issue with the pool as that would be dishonest. I can tell you we are there three days a week and clean up and do what we need to do to make it look good to the extent that we are able. We work within the limitations that we have. Ms. Sanford: Another issue was Yellowstone, the grass and the weeds. Last year there was an issue with them and a bunch of weeds then Jennifer did something like a demand for them to improve their services then the grass started looking better. Now the grass has weeds again so they are not spraying or fertilizing it. Mr. Harden: Are you referring to the amenity field? Ms. Sanford: The amenity field and also in front at the entrance. I am just concerned. With field services, you are supposed to be monitoring it so the same thing I am seeing you should be seeing too and addressing it when it goes wrong because we want the community to look good and with weeds, they should be spraying. Mr. Harden: I am not there everyday honestly. You are there more often than I am. I am there weekly but I haven’t noticed anything in poor condition. While I am onsite, I do pay attention to it and follow up with the account manager if something doesn’t look right. Like I said residents are there more than I am so please let me know if something doesn’t look the way it should and I will follow up and get it taken care of. I feel like they have overall been pretty responsive. When we have pointed out issues to them, they are willing to take care of it. I don’t feel like they have Docusign Envelope ID: 7A09DE91-8801-4C09-B54F-8C9480BF37A2 June 27, 2024 Villages of Westport CDD 7 consistently done a poor job. Occasionally for whatever reason they could have done a little bit better. Mr. Hawkins: The pool has been there for how long? Ms. Scarlett: 15-17 years I think now. Mr. Hawkins: I know the stone deck has probably never been redone, has it? Ms. Scarlett: The pavers, we recently redid that. Mr. Hawkins: I know some of that stuff has been there for the last 17 years and has not been updated or anything like that. Ms. Sanford: That was done in 2022, the coping was. Mr. Hawkins: The pool resurfacing, I don’t know how often. Ms. Scarlett: They did tell us it is time to redo that. Mr. Harden: That is the biggest issue with the pool, the places where the surface has been worn away. It is probably the largest expense you are ever going to have as a CDD is resurfacing that pool. It needs to be done as soon as we can. Mr. Hawkins: I think that would definitely help with algae because we would have to fix it but also would help with the perception that something is being done. Because I was in a place with black mold and understand until you completely dig it out, you can treat and treat it to keep it at bay, but it won’t disappear. Eventually, within the next few years that pool needs to be repaved. I think that will fix a lot of the perception issues and a lot of the other issues we have going on. Something we can start thinking about is who is going to do it and how. If the pool is closed for that, people are going to complain just to complain but at least they will know there is a reason for resurfacing it. Mr. Harden: Definitely try to do that in the winter time, December and January when nobody is down there anyway would be the time to do it. What I have heard typically 10-15 years is the window. Ms. Sanford: The parking lot at the amenity center, the lines are faded to where you can’t even see the lines anymore. The gate by the amenity center, the pavers are bulging. The walls on the entryway are dirty and need to be pressure washed. The AC unit at the amenity center looks like it is rusted underneath, some of the pavement is cracked, some of the tiles are rusted, water fountains are rusted underneath and some of the features are coming off. Docusign Envelope ID: 7A09DE91-8801-4C09-B54F-8C9480BF37A2 June 27, 2024 Villages of Westport CDD 8 Ms. Scarlett: We talked about that water fountain about possibly putting the bottle refill on there? Didn’t we talk about that. Mr. Mossing: I don’t remember that. Mr. Harden: I think we spoke about that. I did reach out to a couple of vendors. I just haven’t got a reasonable estimate. I did get one estimate of like $5,000 but I think we can get it done for less than that. Ms. Scarlett: I did ask about possibly replacing those water fountains with the bottle refill ones. Ms. Sanford: I’ve seen some online for $2,200 something like that. The door at the amenity center underneath there is an opening, the top of the door is cracked and the metal piece is moving. The coping that just got fixed is starting to shift. When the paver company did it before, they told me that a paver company should be the one doing the pressure washing because they specialize in doing pavers. Ms. Scarlett: We also talked about replacing those ceiling fans. They have been there since the beginning as well. Mr. Harden: When you have someone up there doing lighting would, it probably makes sense to do that at the same time. Ms. Sanford: The entryway area needs to be cleaned. Villages of Westport wall needs repair. The emblem has fallen off. Ms. Scarlett: I guess we need to prioritize some of these issues because I know at the same time we are having financial issues. We need to put a list together and say what is the most important thing to get done right now. Mr. Mossing: We will do a detailed inspection report and come back with some dollar figures as well. Some stuff may be very minor. It sounds like there has been other conversations about the water fountain and so on and it has just been Band-Aids right now. There have been conversations but no action and some just because there is no funding. Now we can do a thorough report, thank you. We will catch all of that, photos, comments and history and come back with some suggestions and then you can prioritize accordingly. Ms. Sanford: The amenity center, the actual building, can we look toward trying to paint it. I think nothing has been done to it since they put it there. Docusign Envelope ID: 7A09DE91-8801-4C09-B54F-8C9480BF37A2 June 27, 2024 Villages of Westport CDD 9 Mr. Mossing: Alice, if you will put that summary list together, I will get with Tim and we will coordinate the action items list and see what that looks like. I know you copied me on some of those emails. You had a great summary list there and we will start to tackle some of those. Mr. Hawkins: With updating/resurfacing the pool, it probably hasn’t been painted in 17 years. Those small things go a long way. Mr. Fagan: The Marcite is great because really 15 years is stretching it and that Marcite that has slowly decayed you get powder that makes the water really milky so when you brush it or have little feet in there walking around the pool it creates this milky clarity which doesn’t look good with bad perception. When we do re-Marcite fresh lining and the LED lights, it really pops and is beautiful. At night even when people can’t swim in it, it really highlights the property well. It has nice curb appeal. Ms. Scarlett: I do want to bounce around one idea because I know we have that money in the construction fund and we can’t do anything big with the amenity center but I would like to see something done with the playground at least. We have way too many children for that little piece of equipment. That and maybe spruce up the basketball court. Ms. Sanford: Are the lots that are not going to be used in Phase 4 going be used for anything else or going to be empty? Ms. Scarlett: The 19 lots that they aren’t building? Mr. Mossing: I will ask that question. I think the way they platted their lots or the size of their lots took up more property. They want to squeeze as many homes in there as they can. Mr. Mossing: We will place playground equipment on the next agenda for discussion. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comments • Resident (J. Turner at 12492 Weeping Branch Circle) – showed the Board a pool cleaner that scrubs and will solve the pool problems once its resurfaced. • Resident – Asked who is in charge of taking care of the ARC’s that are put up? Ms. Scarlett noted that is the HOA. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Consent Agenda A. Approval of the Minutes of the October 23, 2023 & April 24, 2024 Meetings Mr. Mossing presented the minutes from the October 23, 2023 & April 24, 2024 meetings. Docusign Envelope ID: 7A09DE91-8801-4C09-B54F-8C9480BF37A2 June 27, 2024 Villages of Westport CDD 10 On MOTION by Ms. Scarlett, seconded by Mr. Hawkins, with all in favor, the Consent Agenda, was approved. B. Balance Sheet and Statement of Revenues & Expenditures for the Period Ending March 31, 2024 C. Assessment Receipt Schedule D. Approval of Check Register Mr. Mossing reviewed the financials and offered to answer any Board questions. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Next Scheduled Meeting – 7/22/24 @ 5:30 p.m. @ Highlands Regional Library Mr. Mossing stated the next meeting is July 22, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. and that is also the public hearing to adopt the budget and levy the O&M assessments. ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment Mr. Mossing adjourned the meeting. On MOTION by Ms. Scarlett seconded by Mr. Hawkins, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m. _______________________________ _______________________________ Secretary/Assistant Secretary Chairman/Vice Chairman Docusign Envelope ID: 7A09DE91-8801-4C09-B54F-8C9480BF37A2