MINUTES OF MEETING VILLAGES OF WESTPORT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Villages of Westport Community Development District was held Thursday, July 22, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. at the Highlands Regional Library, 1826 Dunn Avenue, Jacksonville, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum: Yashekia Scarlett by phone Chairman Anina Guyton Vice Chairperson (via phone) Alice Sanford Supervisor Godfrey Story Supervisor Carl Hawkins Supervisor Also present: Darrin Mossing District Manager Jennifer Kilinski District Counsel Chris Loy Kilinski Van Wyk Tim Harden Field Manager, Vesta Jay King Vesta The following is a summary of the actions taken at the July 22, 2024 Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Villages of Westport Community Development District. FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Mr. Mossing called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. and called roll. Three Supervisors were in attendance and one Supervisor joined by phone constituting a quorum. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comments (regarding agenda items below) Mr. Mossing noted this section of public comment is for items on the agenda. There will be a separate public comment period regarding the budget. Hearing no comments, the next item followed. Docusign Envelope ID: 299A219B-4A73-467F-A037-295C2BD82262 July 22, 2024 Villages of Westport CDD 2 THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Fiscal Year 2025 Budget A. Overview of Budget Mr. Mossing noted the Board approved the proposed budget on May 13th. This budget reflects an assessment increase of approximately $239 per homeowner. This increase is due to the District needing to establish some capital reserves and operating reserves as well as Phase 4 home improvements with maintenance items transitioning to the District. Changes can be made to the budget with the exception of increases. Line items are set at the highwater mark. B. Board Discussion Mr. Mossing asked the Board for any questions or comments before opening up to public comment. Mr. Hawkins stated he hates to raise prices because everything is going up, but there are things that they know they need to do and need money to do it and they are tired of band aiding issues in the community. C. Two Public Hearings – Budget and Assessment Imposition for Fiscal Year 2025 Mr. Mossing asked for a motion to open the public hearing. On MOTION by Mr. Story, seconded by Mr. Hawkins, with all in favor, Opening the Public Hearing, was approved. • Resident (Damon Johnson) – How did the District arrive at $239 being the necessary increase? When will that be reviewed? Mr. Mossing noted the budget is set based on anticipated expenditures and reserve funds. It’s an annual process so that number is reevaluated each year. • Resident – Will the budget drop with more homeowners moving into new phase? Ms. Kilinski noted there are 748 lots and all of those are already being allocated the full assessment level. New homeowners don’t make any difference where it gets assessed because everybody is paying equally already. Right now, LGI is paying like they are a resident. • Resident (Alex, Glimmer Way) – Why is there an increase with 200 added properties but those properties didn’t exist last year. That money last year was allocated. Mr. Mossing Docusign Envelope ID: 299A219B-4A73-467F-A037-295C2BD82262 July 22, 2024 Villages of Westport CDD 3 noted those lots paid last year too. They haven’t added in any property. They paid for 19 lots that they are not developing. • Resident – Commented that things that were used to entice people into the community haven’t happened. Nothing is being done. Doesn’t mind paying an increase if they are getting what they pay for. Mr. Mossing noted this Board is very interested in making improvements and showing results. • Resident (KeArra Robinson, 6704 Hanford St.) asked if anything else can be cut to keep from increasing fees. Mr. Hawkins noted this is through taxes. He noted that the resident was talking about HOA stuff. Mr. Mossing noted they are 100% collected with their assessments. Ms. Kilinski noted there hasn’t been an assessment increase on the CDD side in at least 4 years. Mr. Mossing asked for any other comments. Hearing no other comments, Mr. Mossing asked for a motion to close the public hearing On MOTION by Mr. Story, seconded by Mr. Hawkins, with all in favor, Closing the Public Hearing, was approved. 1. Consideration of Resolution 2024-07, Relating to the Annual Appropriations and Adopting the Budget for Fiscal Year 2025 Mr. Mossing asked for a motion to approve Resolution 2024-07, relating to the annual appropriations and adopting the budget for Fiscal Year 2025. On MOTION by Mr. Story, seconded by Ms. Scarlett, with all in favor, Resolution 2024-07, Relating to the Annual Appropriations and Adopting the Budget for Fiscal Year 2025, was approved. 2. Consideration of Resolution 2024-08, Imposing Special Assessments and Certifying an Assessment Roll for Fiscal Year 2025 Mr. Mossing asked if the Board had any questions on Resolution 2024-08. Hearing no questions from the Board, Mr. Mossing asked for a motion to approve the resolution. On MOTION by Mr. Story, seconded by Ms. Scarlett, with all in favor, Resolution 2024-08, Imposing Special Assessments and Certifying an Assessment Roll for Fiscal Year 2025, was approved. Docusign Envelope ID: 299A219B-4A73-467F-A037-295C2BD82262 July 22, 2024 Villages of Westport CDD 4 FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Presentation Regarding CDDs Mr. Mossing noted this will be added to next month’s meeting. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Discussion of CDD Goals & Objectives Mr. Mossing stated there is a new statutory requirement for CDD’s to adopt goals and objectives by the end of this fiscal year 09/30/24. GMS drafted some recommended goals and objectives in the agenda package. He noted that changes or additions can be made. Ms. Kilinski recommended approval to be statutorily compliant by October 1st. On MOTION by Mr. Story, seconded by Mr. Hawkins, with all in favor, the CDD Goals and Objectives, was approved. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Standard Operating Procedures for Onsite Staff Mr. Mossing noted this is based on some observations made over the last couple of months and is on page 91 of the agenda package. He noted they will monitor vendors coming onsite without staff being present and review at next meeting. They don’t want unauthorized people using the facility and when appropriate vendors to be escorted onsite. On MOTION by Mr. Story, seconded by Mr. Hawkins, with all in favor, the Standard Operating Procedures for Onsite Staff with Specifications on Monitoring, was approved. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Discussion Items: A. Access Card Form Mr. Mossing noted the access form is in the agenda. There has been some confusion on what form to use for people to get their access card. Ms. Kilinski noted the District is undertaking the opportunity to establish its own email blast system. This will allow the CDD to get emails and consent to make sure they are on the CDDs email list. Mr. Story noted having a card doesn’t necessarily mean you’re a resident. Mr. Mossing noted they are considering a full audit of the card access system at some point. If someone was issued a card, they should have shown a lease agreement or photo ID. Docusign Envelope ID: 299A219B-4A73-467F-A037-295C2BD82262 July 22, 2024 Villages of Westport CDD 5 On MOTION by Mr. Story, seconded by Mr. Hawkins, with all in favor, the Access Card Form, was approved. B. Access Card Issuance Process Mr. Harden stated new residents would have to come to the facility or reach out by phone. Requirements include completing the form and providing documentation such as photo ID, lease agreement, or online lookup to confirm the property owner. One card per resident. For residents who move out of their home, the access cards are connected with their address and not name. The card would need to be deactivated. Mr. Story asked if GMS could monitor the card access system as the current way took 3 weeks to retrieve an address. In case of a renter, their card could be set to expire at the end of their lease. Mr. Hawkins requested an audit of the access system. Mr. Mossing will get with Tim and Jay and come back to the next meeting with the audit and how the Board wants to handle that. On MOTION by Mr. Story, seconded by Mr. Hawkins, with all in favor, the Access Card Issuance Process, was approved. C. Security Cameras Defer to next meeting for noticing a shade session. D. Community Survey Regarding Fitness Equipment Usage Mr. Mossing stated a survey is included in the agenda. Six people have completed the survey on the website and approximately 50 people signed up for the email blast. They will continue to monitor. Board direction was to get rid of the treadmill as it is a hazard. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Proposals: A. Lake Management Proposals Mr. Harden had proposals from three pond management companies included in the agenda. Mr. Story noted Solitude is spraying too high resulting in brown grass around the ponds. Solitude took responsibility for their actions. Ms. Scarlett agrees with taking this off the table as long as Solitude is consistent. Solitude will wait 30 days to see if grass comes back and if not, will replace. Docusign Envelope ID: 299A219B-4A73-467F-A037-295C2BD82262 July 22, 2024 Villages of Westport CDD 6 B. Water Fountains Mr. Harden presented proposals from three different plumbing companies to dispose of/replace the current bi-level water fountains and one of the new ones will have a bottle filler attached. On MOTION by Mr. Story, seconded by Mr. Hawkins, with all in favor, the Proposal from Turner for Water Fountain Replacement, was approved. C. Fitness Equipment Maintenance Mr. King noted they will deactivate the treadmill and relocate it. Will move this item to the next budget cycle. D. Irrigation Installation Mr. Harden presented a proposal from Yellowstone for $13,000 and from C&L Landscaping for $57,960. Ms. Sanford suggested irrigation replacement be added to all of the proposals. This item was tabled until two more proposals are received. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Resolution 2024-09, Modifying the FY 2024 Assessment Collection Schedule Mr. Mossing noted last year when the budget was adopted, the assessment resolution did not include the LGI property being direct assessed and this resolution provides for that modification. It goes back retroactively and restates that. On MOTION by Mr. Hawkins, seconded by Mr. Story, with all in favor, Resolution 2024-09 Modifying the FY24 Assessment Collection Schedule, was approved. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. Manager – Discussion Regarding the Fiscal Year 2025 Meeting Schedule Mr. Mossing stated statutorily the District needs to approve an annual meeting schedule prior to September 30th of each year. There are four proposed meeting dates - October 28, 2024, January 27, 2025, April 28, 2025 and July 28,2025. Docusign Envelope ID: 299A219B-4A73-467F-A037-295C2BD82262 July 22, 2024 Villages of Westport CDD 7 The fitness survey is out and email blast system is in progress so will keep the Board informed. Weekly communication on the pool monitor agreement and activities at the pool as reported. In the process of transferring some utility accounts and maintenance responsibilities to LGI. On MOTION by Mr. Hawkins, seconded by Mr. Story, with all in favor, the Fiscal Year 2025 Meeting Schedule, was approved. B. Attorney Ms. Kilinski had nothing specific to report but noted that she was happy to answer any questions. C. Operation Manager 1. Report 2. Report Various Issues Throughout the Community Mr. Harden presented the Field Operations Report on page 159 of the agenda. ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor’s Request There being no comments, next item followed. TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comments • Resident (Brian Persina, 6907 Myrtle Oak Rd) Questioned the increased fee, is it annual? Maintenance responsibility? Mr. Mossing noted in the development with LGI that is going to be the responsibility of this Board, two big lakes, dog park and the park up front which is what is the assessment will help fund. Resident asked how to obtain access card? The board directed residents to provide information to Mr. Harden to get access card. Mr. Hawkins asked if it’s possible to give the packet to LGI when they sell the homes so the homeowners can fill out the packet? Add link for access card form to the website. • Resident – Increasing size of amenity to accommodate the additional people moving into the community? Mr. Story noted there was supposed to be a second amenity center at one time that didn’t happen. Potential to revisit that going into new fiscal year. Opportunities in near future for the community to address this. Docusign Envelope ID: 299A219B-4A73-467F-A037-295C2BD82262 July 22, 2024 Villages of Westport CDD 8 THIRTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Consent Agenda A. Approval of the Minutes of the May 13, 2024 and June 27, 2024 Meetings Mr. Mossing presented the minutes from the May 13, 2024 & June 27, 2024 meetings. On MOTION by Mr. Story, seconded by Mr. Hawkins, with all in favor, the Consent Agenda, was approved. B. Balance Sheet and Statement of Revenues & Expenditures for the Period Ending June 30, 2024 C. Assessment Receipt Schedule D. Approval of Check Register Mr. Mossing noted that the balance sheet, income statement, and assessment receipt schedule are in the agenda package for review and asked for any questions. FOURTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Acceptance of Vesta Resignation Letter Mr. King noted this is just with the CDD, current scope of services. Mr. Story asked if they would reconsider that because the Board is now intact and trying to move in a different direction. Mr. King noted they are definitely open to that. Mr. Hawkins stated he would like to look at what GMS can offer that you currently do that could help enhance or alleviate issues. Service contracts need to be reviewed. FIFTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Next Scheduled Meeting – To Be Determined @ 5:30 p.m. @ Highlands Regional Library Mr. Mossing recommended an August meeting and asked for a date preference from the Board. Board consensus was to meet Monday August 19th at 5:30 p.m. at the Highlands Regional Library. SIXTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment Mr. Mossing adjourned the meeting. On MOTION by Mr. Story seconded by Mr. Hawkins, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned. Docusign Envelope ID: 299A219B-4A73-467F-A037-295C2BD82262 July 22, 2024 Villages of Westport CDD 9 _______________________________ _______________________________ Secretary/Assistant Secretary Chairman/Vice Chairman Docusign Envelope ID: 299A219B-4A73-467F-A037-295C2BD82262